Martin Westhead


Martin Westhead


Dr. Martin Westhead is Director of Engineering, Global Payments at Groupon, responsible for a payments system that processes over $6B per year, running in 49 countries and over 100 different payment methods. His background is as an Engineer and Entrepreneur.

He teaches classes at Stanford on online communities and subscription billing and is currently running a new class: “Monetizing Free: How to make money by giving things away”.

Prior to Groupon Dr. Westhead worked ran the engineering team for Ning, a former Marc Andreesson social network start up that was acquired by Glam Media in 2011. Before taking over engineering he was responsible for billing and payments at Ning and led the team that build the popular open source billing system, Kill Bill ( that has provided the first open source implementation of recurring payments with bitcoin.

He was involved in the early days of the Web and ran workshops in some of the very first WWW conferences on the use of the Web for teaching and learning.